Over the years we have learnt to expect a lot from Blossoms.
Following their iconic and historic first post-covid gig in Liverpool’s own Sefton Park, the Stockport boys return to the city was highly anticipated. And boy did they deliver.
From the moment they walked on stage, the band amped up the electric atmosphere in Mountford Hall. Tom Ogden, lead singer and song writer, has (no pun intended) blossomed as the band has grown.

From completely shy, to a charismatic showman who commands a stage, he has grown into an artist who deserves a place on the rockstar hall of fame.
Mixing a load of classics with a number of new tunes from their latest album, the band performed flawlessly and the audience was buzzing and singing along with every single song. A true testament to how popular the manchester lads are.

A particular highlight was the mashup of My Favourite Room into You’re Gorgeous into Half the World Away into Last Christmas. A bold but amazing mix that worked and got the crowd amped up.
There is no real way to describe the Blossoms experience other than to encourage anyone who hasn’t seen them to get a ticket and revel in it. They ooze cool and talent and it is a guaranteed amazing time for anyone who goes to a gig.
Overall, There’s A Reason Why, we all love Blossoms. And it’s about time everyone gets involved, it’s nothing short of deserved for this talented band.