Miles Kane | The Welly- Hull | 14.10.19

A rainy night in Hull isn’t usually where you’d want to find yourself on a Monday.

However tickets to see Miles Kane at a very intimate venue? Yes please.

Eye catching, dazzling, impressive… and that’s just the Cuban heels. Miles looks every inch the frontman from his bleach blonde hair to his white suit.

But can he back it up? The audience seem to think so.

No need to introduce himself and his band; as soon as the last notes of walk on choice The Real Things – You To Me Are Everything fade its straight into a song which shares its name with a WWE wrestling move and the title of his 3rd and latest album Coup De Grace.

Coup de Grace is one of those songs you’d probably never choose to listen to at home but then hearing it live is a completely different story.

The crowds energy and responsive chants of Coup De Coup De really give this song a kick and some substance rather than the reality of which Kane couldn’t think of a chorus for the song and just started chanting his mates signature wrestling move over it until it stuck.

For what was a very wet Monday night the audience really did step it up.

Crowd Surfing, mosh pits, Fred Perry polos galore and of course the deafening chants of Miles Miles Miles fucking Kane which bellowed through the room at every short pause between songs.

After over a decade in the industry Miles now has more than enough material for a strong set list. A good mix of songs from each album was played.

Ending a solid performance on Don’t Forget Who You Are, a crowd favourite without a doubt.

Kane has all the swagger of an old school rockstar- and the antics to match it by the sounds of it.

He aims to please the crowd, and please the crowd he certainly does.

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